Food Truth Freedom

Your food, where it comes from & what's in it

Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready XTend: Dicamba & Roundup. The Poison Treadmill Continues

To battle the super weed crisis that American farmers have experienced with Roundup’s failure, the FDA approved  GMO (genetically modified) dicamba-resistant soybean & cotton crops.  This follows on the heels of the EPA green light for the “new &  improved” Roundup, … Continue reading

Monsanto: Evil Personified

We all have been touched by Monsanto. You may be denying it saying that you don’t use Monsanto products around your home and yard     If anyone known to you served on the ground in Viet Nam, they were probably … Continue reading

Monsanto & Mitt Romney: Vote for HIM, Get More of THEM

Mitt Romney has  very distinct ties to Monsanto.  From an environmental, health and food standpoint, this is a very disturbing fact concerning the 2012 election. From his days at Boston’s  Bain & Company in the 1970s, Romney helped turn Monsanto’s image from a … Continue reading

2012 Farm Bill: Monsanto Writes Rules For GMO Approvals

    Monsanto may finally get its wish on future approval of GMOs.  Nothing short of a miracle regarding final passage of the 2012 Farm Bill when it goes to the Senate will stop Monsanto.  In short, it has used its tentacles of influence deep … Continue reading

Why Can’t US Sue Monsanto & Dow For Poisoning People?

The comment period on approval for Dow’s 2-4-D tolerant GMO corn ends on the 27th of this month.  I’m holding my breath, hoping that somehow the USDA will do the right thing and deny it.  If you haven’t already done … Continue reading

Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto

Monsanto, the monolithic chemical giant who brought us Agent Orange, DDT and GMO seeds,  now faced with a lawsuit by the Organic Seed and Trade Association.  The OSGATA is the plaintiff and various other organizations and seed companies have joined in … Continue reading

Monsanto Returns To Poison Vietnam Again With 2-4-D GMO Corn

In order for this world to change, people have to start giving a shit about something other than their latest text message, how their favorite on American Idol is doing or if Brad Pitt is cheating on Angelina Jolie. They have … Continue reading

Dow & Monsanto In War For GMO Corn

WE HAVE 19 DAYS LEFT  to submit public comments to the USDA on the approval of Dow’s 2-4-D  corn. From the USDA site: Summary “We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has received a petition from Dow … Continue reading

Occupy Biotech Lies: How Monsanto Poisons Us

Two captivating articles caught my eye today: one on the biotech giant Monsanto; the other on VISIONS, what we can do, from AlterNet on the web. I hope the following article in Vanity Fair is long but worth the read.  I … Continue reading

Portland Maine Bans Pesticides

  Portland, Maine has banned the use of pesticides, herbicides and weed killers like Round Up, made by Monsanto.  It joins other communities who have either banned the use of glyphosate and other lawn chemicals or severely restricted it. With … Continue reading