Food Truth Freedom

Your food, where it comes from & what's in it

Food Wonderings: Confessions Of A Food Writer

I’ve been researching and writing about what’s in food for almost 10 years now and believe me – it hasn’t left me unscathed.  The last 3 posts I’ve written, “Getting Ripped Off In A Restaurant,” “Sulfites In Food: Sodium Metabisulfite,” and “Meat Glue:  Is Your Steak Real Or Fake,”  have renewed the sense in me of food panic.

That’s right:  food panic, akin to what I had when I read those classics by authors such as Morgan Spurlock (“Don’t Eat This Book-The Supersizing Of America.”) and the mother lode of information about the food industry, “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser.

The meat glue article I researched a few days ago now has me totally off going into restaurants and ordering what is supposed to be a good cut of steak.  For all I know it’s cobbled together pieces of a lesser cut made out to be the real McCoy of prime steak.  That’s got me freaked out! To know, also, that perhaps unsuspecting restaurant patrons who, for religious reasons, do not eat beef or pork may also be eating it when they order fish cuts.  The fact that we as a country are being lied to left and right by not only our government (read the FDA, USDA and others) who are designed to protect us, but the entire restaurant industry as well.

Bottom line is unless you stay home all the time and cook organic food for yourself there is really no way to know what you are eating.

How many of us do that?

I work part-time in a grocery store.  I’m freaked out about the produce, constantly wondering what’s on it.  (yeah I know – various pesticides) – that’s gotten me off store-bought veggies.

I won’t even buy anything from the meat counter.  Images of cattle, pigs and chickens strung up on assembly line processing conveyors – not to mention how they are raised and what they are fed and them what they are injected with prior to slaughter – scares the crap out of me.

Who are we really supposed to trust?  Can we truly put our faith IN organics?  What about GMO contamination?

We’re supposed to be able to trust the government’s agencies to protect us from unscrupulous food practices but it’s been shown in the past that they can’t even do THIS job effectively.  The FDA is like an old toothless dog. It can’t bite back or even look threatening because of Washington’s lobbyists from Big Food.  As far as I am concerned, the FDA is a waste of time. The USDA is in the same class with the FDA – another toothless wonder mired in bribes and bullshit.  Forget the EPA, too.  They’ve backpedaled on their share of protective efforts – all because of the money in Washington.  This is sickening.

Yeah – I’m feeling kind of hopeless right now.  Scared too, because what are we supposed to do?  The food industry has us by the balls and in the article below by Eric Schlosser, it seems things haven’t gotten any better.

I’m wondering what or what NOT to eat next.  Sometimes I wish I still was ignorant about all of this;  could go back 10 years and not know what I know about food.

The only thing I can do is keep reading labels, trying to limit my intake of suspect foods (which right at the moment is ALL of them!)  and keep passing on information to you in hopes that it makes you more aware. Perhaps you, too, will want to add your voice to the maddening crowd.


10 Years After Fast Food Nation – Eric Schlosser reflects

Dow’s 2-4-D Corn = More Cancer, Birth Defects, Environmental Disaster

It was two years ago that I blogged about the battle for Dow’s 2-4-D corn.The USDA was still accepting comments on its pending approval. Now it seems, despite a huge public outcry, not only from concerned citizens but also from farmers, health professionals and environmentalists, the USDA  is leaning heavily for approving it.

Photo:  USDA

Photo: USDA

2-4-D, or Atrazine, is in popular Weed & Feed, Weed B Gon, Turfbuilder products. It was developed for chemical warfare in WWII and used in Viet Nam as part of a solution in Agent Orange as a defoliant. It is a known carcinogen: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and possible soft tissue sarcomas (cancer) are indicated, as are increased rates of Parkinson’s disease & lung cancer.  Respiratory and circulatory birth defects have been linked to it.

Despite a very strong link to cancer, hormonal disruption, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma,  birth defects and other illnesses,   2-4-D is marketed to consumers for use around their homes as a multi-use broadleaf weedkiller.  Millions of American homeowners use this on their lawns in one form or another in sprays, dusts or in a pelletized version. It is also in other lawn care products such as “Winterizers,”  and “Turfbuliders.” It is very likely that year-round exposure is not uncommon: “weed and feed” being used in the spring and summer, “Turfbuilders” from spring through fall and “winterizer” just before winter sets in.  Consumers who rely on these chemicals to keep their lawns looking golf course perfect are spreading poison on their property all year without realizing it. 

Monsanto’s Round-Up has been failing in recent years due to the ability of weeds to adapt and resist its application.  This is the next generation of herbicide-resistant spray to be formulated with an even more potent and dangerous chemical, Atrazine or 2-4-D.

Dow’s Enlist seeds, will be able to withstand applications of 2-4-D and Round Up.

Wait and see.  This miracle chemical’s effects will not last, either.  Just like Round Up, after awhile the same thing will happen and farmers will find themselves back where they started:  weeds out of control.

Now we will have millions of acres of corn being sprayed with 2-4-D and Round up combined.

  • Groundwater will be contaminated with yet another harmful chemical.
  • It will be IN that corn that you eat & all other foods you buy from the store – because corn is in everything!
  • Beef cattle, chickens, pigs, turkeys will eat this – YOU will eat it too.
  • Contamination will be in immediate areas through wind.
  • HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of acres of corn each year could be sprayed with it.
  • It will wash from the nation’s corn belt into rivers and the seas.
  • Small farmers will be tied to yet another corn seed and chemical
  • Approval will lead to MORE GMO products because USDA sees nothing wrong with them.
  • Corporate entities will have even more control over our lives.

Our government has failed us again.  By bowing to the one-sided test results – and the lobbyists and to Dow’s influence in government, and not to mention – big bucks – We The People will again become Guinea pigs.

This shows me that our government does not care about its citizens, only mega profit for mega corporations.

TAKE ACTION:  Go to THIS PAGE and sign the petition against Dow’s GMO 2-4-D corn

Read MORE:

If You Use Pesticides, READ THIS (there are no “safe” pesticides)

USDA Greenlights Dow 2-4-D Seeds (Pesticide Action Network)

2-4-D Articles on “Food, Truth & Freedom”

Antibacterial Soaps Not Necessary

Antibacterial soaps have been the rage for years.

Antibacterial soaps have been the rage for years.

Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned soap and water?

Antibacterial anything has been the rage for years.

Personally I’ve stayed away from antibacterial stuff. It never seemed like it made much sense: soap naturally kills germs.  Why do I need yet another chemical IN my soap, IN my life?

Germaphobic parents scarf up bottles of antibacterial soap with the notion that they are forming a protective chain around their children and family.

Triclosan, a common ingredient in most antibacterial soaps, may not be such a hot idea to use consistently. Currently the FDA is taking another look at triclosan. They are considering a mandate that requires manufacturers to prove that soaps containing triclosan are of a benefit.

According to recent studies, this may be a long shot. Reports say that triclosan resistance from continued use of antibacterial soaps is making some bacteria immune to the effects of the supposed antibacterial benefits.


Furthermore, some strains of samonella (Salmonella enterica) have repeatedly tested drug resistant to antibiotics because of repeated exposure to triclosan. As many as 56% of tested human and animal isolates were found to be multi-drug resistant to antibiotics.

The use of antibacterial soaps is compounding the problem of antibiotic resistance. With over-prescribing of antibiotics, plus the use of antibiotic compounds in our meat supply, adding ingredients like  increased triclosan use is sending our immune and hormonal systems into a tailspin.

A report in the Oxford Medical Journals states:  “Studies have shown that soaps containing triclosan within the range of concentrations commonly used (0.1%–0.45% wt/vol) were no more effective than plain soap at preventing infectious illness symptoms and reducing bacterial levels on the hands. Several laboratory studies demonstrated evidence of triclosan-adapted cross-resistance to antibiotics among different species of bacteria.”

So, Grandma was right!  Wash your hands – with plain soap and water!


Is Your House Making You Sick?

Skull-cossbonesDo you live in a new house? Have you recently gutted your house and added “all new” components?  If so, you may have unwittingly exposed yourself and your family to an onslaught of chemicals. Neurotoxins, carcinogens, hormone mimics and reproductive hormone disruptors are but a few of the chemicals in building products.   Formaldehyde is a common ingredient in many construction products.  It, like all the other components in your “new” house or furniture, “outgasses:” evaporates into the surroundings.  You are constantly being exposed to a myriad of chemicals.

Carpet backing and carpet padding, fire retardants in materials,formaldehyde in glues, coatings:  the list goes on and on. Arsenic is another common ingredient in wood preservatives (think building products like pressure treated wood and composites).  Glycol ethers are used in paint, solvents and – no surprise here:  cosmetics!

Vinyl chloride is used in copolymers which are used in sealants, lubricants, plastic,  and that TEFLON coating that your cookware is made out of!  Yes — every time you turn on your stove and cook something in that pan you are ingesting chemicals along with your food.

Childhood asthma:  it’s on the rise.  Studies suspect that it’s from the continuous exposure to indoor chemicals as well as chemicals in personal care products, clothing and things that children are exposed to every day.

In-utero exposure to chemicals has been shown in thousands of published studies.   For a rebuttal to those in the scientific community who see no correlation – or who are in the pockets of the chemical industry, a report published in the journal of The Endocinre Society, play out a very serious concern encompassing studies over past decades.  The article is only a page long – an interesting read and well worth it.


Sevin Dust Illegal in Many Countries: Top Seller in U.S.

While Americans sprinkle Sevin dust around their yards like sugar, it is banned in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Iran and Angola.  These countries are not convinced, as the United States is, that Sevin dust is safe.

The U.K. Chemicals Directorate Division of the Health and Safety branch is not convinced enough that Sevin dust is safe.  Because of the effects of ingestion, that’s EATING the stuff, folks, after you douse your vegetable garden with it — has been proven to cause cancer.


Now the reason I am sounding off again on Sevin dust is because on this site, it is the #1 search term.  I should change the site name to SEVIN DUST is Icky or something like that.  Well, that’s the truth because it is!

One of the most widely used chemicals in U.S. gardens, but illegal in many countries.

One of the most widely used chemicals in U.S. gardens, but illegal in many countries.

On a more serious side, continuous inhalation of Sevin dust can cause pneumoconiosis, more commonly referred to as “Black Lung Disease,” which is routinely found in coal miners, but the indication is also prominent in those who work in certain manufacturing industries. Pneumoconiosis causes hardening of the air sacs in the lungs caused from inflammation. Complications of pneumoconiosis include:  heart failure, lung cancer, respiratory failure.

Pregnant women should avoid exposure to Sevin dust because it can cause fetal abnormalities:  cardio and pulmonary, nervous system development, spontaneous abortion, ADD in their child and a host of other difficulties. Additionally, women whose pregnancies fall between the months of highest Sevin applications – May and September – have the highest instances of fetal distress in development.

Read my other posts on Sevin dust:

Sevin Dust is NOT Your Garden Friend

Sevin Dust: Why Grow Vegetables & Put POISON On Them?

If You Use Pesticides, READ THIS!

wrningAmericans apply approximately 75 MILLION POUNDS of lawn care products annually; pesticides and insecticides used on your lawn  around your home.  They include ROUND-UP, Scott’s Weed and Feed, Sevin Dust, Bug B Gon, Triazicide, Spectricide, Ortho, Bayer products, Azatrine (2-4-D) which is a component in Agent Orange, Scott’s Winterizer and many others.  They are POISON and studies have proven the following:

  • There is NO safe ‘chemical’ pesticide or herbicide
  • Are known carcinogens (cause cancer)
  • Are hormone and endocrine system disruptors.
  • All are neurotoxins –  meaning toxic to the brain, causing brain cell death and affecting brain function.
  • Recent studies show pesticides to be a direct cause of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, ALS and other neurological disorders & shrinkage of the brain.
  • Can be passed from pregnant mother to fetus causing birth defects or abortion
  • Cause allergic reactions
  • Children are especially susceptible to neurological damage, increased rates of cancer, ADD, asthma, development of allergies from exposure to lawn chemicals and pesticides.
  • If you have a well and use lawn chemicals you are poisoning your own water.
  • Pesticides and chemicals applied by lawn services have heavier application rates than for agriculture!
  • Golf courses use millions of pounds of herbicides & pesticides and with heavy watering, contribute to groundwater contamination.
  • Electric companies, railroads and municipalities also contribute to environmental & groundwater pollution with herbicide spraying of right-of-ways, parks, rail and roadsides.  Corporations also use these chemicals around their buildings to keep their lawns weed free. The list is endless!
  • Will make your pets ill, predisposing them to cancer and a host of other diseases.
  • Runoff from suburban lawns does not dissipate.  Instead it persists in the environment for decades.
  • Catch basins in urban areas and ponds, streams and lakes in rural areas – and finally, the ocean, are all polluted by pesticides and lawn care chemicals.
  • Each time you use lawn care products or pesticides you WILL kill beneficial insects such as earthworms, bees, butterflies, praying mantises as well as birds, frogs and other mammals.  This will be from either direct contact (bees and insects) or indirect (birds or other wildlife) or from water runoff.  Birds will eat chemicals that are in pelletized form thinking it’s food.
  • Honeybee colony collapse is directly related to the use of pesticides over the past 50 years.
  • Insects have developed a resistance to these chemicals as have weeds.  Manufacturers have to develop stronger chemicals or mix them with older ones which haven’t been in use recently.
  • Pesticides and insecticides don’t just ‘go away’.  Some stay in the soil for long periods of time – years!
  • Children, because of their developing brains, muscles, bones – have a tenfold exposure over adults.
  • Women pregnant from May to September have highest risks of birth defects for their unborn child if they are exposed to pesticides and lawn care products.
  • Pesticide drift from wind and rains can bring chemicals on your property and into your home.
  • Of the 30 most commonly used pesticides
    • 19 are linked with cancer
    • 13 linked with birth defects
    • 21 with reproductive effects
    • 26 with liver or kidney damage
    • 15 neurotoxicity
    • 11 with endocrine (hormone) disruption
    • 17 are found in groundwater
    • 23 have the ability TO leach into groundwater
    • 11 are toxic to bees
    • 16 are toxic to birds

You have to ask yourself:

  • Is it WORTH IT to have the ideal ‘golf course’ lawn, an insect-free yard or perfect vegetables – to put my family and pets and even my neighbors at risk for a premature death from cancer,  increased chances of neurological, reproductive disorders or organ failure or allergies years from now?  Is it WORTH IT to expose my family, even those not yet born, to an uncertain fate from exposure to chemicals which is not even necessary?


My answer to that would be NO!  What would yours be?

Further reading:

12-12-12: Activism in Food, Environment & Human Rights


12-12-12 speaks of the change we’ve been in for years.

The date, 12-12-12 has been in the news a lot lately.  In a purely  metaphysical sense, December 12, 2012 is a time of great shift energetically on this planet. The wave of uprisings, world protests, and climate disasters,  has all been for a reason:  to raise human consciousness that things cannot go on this way if we are to survive on this Earth.  According to doomsday theorists, 2012 is reported by some to be the end of the world.  Some devout Christians believe that the “end times” are upon us; the return of Jesus is imminent.

I believe the energy of the world  is changing. I do believe these are the “end times,” but not in a sense of the Earth blowing up & angels appearing to carry off the devout to heaven.  No, I believe it is a shift in human realization, in consciousness; belief that a change is needed in the way we must do things.

From what I have experienced in the last few years is this:  The people of this world have come forward to speak out on everything from food, human rights, government abuse, the environment, ecology, war, climate change, religious freedom, corporate greed and wrongdoings in just about every category.

Over the last 10 years or so I, along with countless others, have waged a battle over food and the environment.  We’ve taken on food rights, food manufacturing, “Big Food,” food from corporate farms to advocate for the smaller, more environmentally friendly local farmers.

Farm and food activists have sought to inform the public about artificial ingredients, food safety, GMOs, GMO labeling in food, presence of pesticides, herbicides and chemical poisons in our environment, as well as our daily lives. Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer, DuPont and BASF have literally gotten away with murder, both on a human and environmental scale.  Our world’s environment is changing, people are dying in increased numbers from cancer and other ailments caused by our food and massive use of chemicals.

11-1-11: protest at the FDA for raw milk

11-1-11: protest at the FDA for raw milk

There have been protests at the FDA, countless state capitals in this country and around the world.  We’ve fought for the release of activists like raw milk proponent Michael Schmidt &  witnessed milk wars in Brussels!  Movies like, “Food Inc,” “Fresh,” and “Farmageddon”  have brought the public insight into the farm and food industry like nothing since Upton Sinclar’s “The Jungle,” in 1906. Luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz to Michelle Obama and the White House have gotten on board.

This is change – THIS is good!

The Occupy movement took hold and challenged Wall Street, the government and corporate America. The rallying cry, “We are the 99%” has made the super rich take notice.  Our election, won by Barack Obama, not Mitt Romney, told of the rejection of corporate America in our lives.  The Tea Party, Fox News and even good old Rush Limbaugh have taken a beating, and rightly so. It is past time that “we the people” take back our country.  “We the 98%”  must keep speaking out, telling the 1% that they should realize we outnumber them! Even the billionaire Koch brothers who spent millions on Mitt Romney’s campaign didn’t assure him the win.  In the end it was we, the “little” people who turned out in force:  women, immigrants, people of color, the working class and the poor along with the young and said:  “Enough is enough!”

We must keep saying:  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

From hurricane Katrina in 2003, to Irene last year and now hurricane Sandy, things are getting serious with climate change.  We environmentalists have screamed about this for decades.  Nobody paid attention. The oil lobby has fought tooth and nail,  subverting every environmentally sound idea or product which comes along, buying votes, infiltrating government and bribing our lawmakers!  Enough IS enough!  Climate change is real, you buffoons!  It’s long past time to get serious!  It may even be too late but we absolutely cannot ignore the earth’s warnings any longer.  This is real, it’s not going to get better;  the Earth is pissed off and in the end, good old Mom Nature IS going to win!  There will be nothing that humans can do about it.

Around the globe, especially in the Middle East, governments have collapsed under the weight of protests.  Again, the people are speaking out.  Human rights can no longer be ignored.  Oppression, brutality and evil in the likes of Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, and Osama Bin Laden cannot stand in this sweep of energy of world events.  Humanity will no longer tolerate murderers who kill for the sake of killing or profess dominance of their kind over another, no matter what the religious or ethnic differences are.  The energy of this world is changing and the “us versus them” must be  overruled by simply, “us,”  “we,” or “the people of this Earth.”

I am sure that many of you can feel the change because we’ve been it in.  It’s not going to magically appear on 12-12-12; it’s been changing for a long time.  All one has to do is read the papers or talk to others.  To me, things feel different – they have for some time.

Let us all, therefore, take a minute to notice change, to be the change, do what we can to help the change for the betterment of humans worldwide.  Whether or not you actually believe it is happening, you can’t doubt that something has taken place.  It’s an opening up of the goodness of humans, the desire to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  It crosses every boundary, speaks every language, is encompassed in every religion.  The energy of 12-12-12 has been with us globally and will continue to be.  12-12-12 equals change for the good for the people on earth, the health and continuation of every being and miraculous function of this planet.  It’s the only hope we have.

Fast Food: Sad Food Choices

I could only shake my head in astonishment at what I was hearing because this is an example of the food mentality all too common today.  I listened in horror at this story. 

A woman and her two adopted children:  she’s in her early 60’s, they are in their early teens.  All are very overweight.  One of the girls who is quite short, probably under 5 feet, is well over 100 pounds above what she should weigh. The other is a bit taller and probably close to 75 pounds heavier than she should be.



Because their food is charged to a credit card, last month the food expenses were about $1800.00.  Four hundred dollars of that was spent at McDonald’s.  Some days they eat there 2 or 3 times a day.  Other favorites are Burger King, Pizza Hut and Wendy’s.  They eat no vegetables; the Mom doesn’t cook because she’s too busy.  Their beverage of choice is sweetened ice tea.  They buy 5 pounds of sugar a week for the tea.  Yes — you read correctly:  five POUNDS. 

The sad thing is they don’t seem to care.  THIS is food to them! They laughed at the whole thing;  howled as they told the story! The long-term consequences of this are absolutely frightening!  The Mom is compounding her medical problems by eating this diet.  The girls are surely headed (if not already) for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure and other ailments cause by fast food or a diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. They get no exercise.

Neither of the girls knows how to cook even a simple meal.  They aren’t inclined to learn, either.  Why should they… when McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Arby’s, KFC, Wendy’s and Burger King are so readily available?

Fast food purveyors have hoodwinked these woman, and millions like them. They’re TOLD it’s good food; promised that fast food has gotten healthier, but HOW can this be healthy?


Look closely-these chickens have lost feathers due to overcrowded conditions. They are not healthy chickens. This is where your fast food come from!

This food comes from animals raised in crowded, filthy conditions. To prevent illness they are routinely treated with antibiotics – even if they are not sick!  They’re fed growth hormones to make them fatter, fed offal from dead chickens. The assembly line at the slaughterhouse processes these animals quickly and haphazardly in a way that could essentially make humans sick from fecal contamination.  Additives and chemicals used to make the buns, flavor the meat, breading and make up the ‘ice cream’ and flavor the shakes.  What about the pesticides that the cows and chickens have eaten on their grain or are in the vegetables (what little there are) on the sandwiches.  All ingredients in these meals undoubtedly come from fields treated with pesticides and herbicides such as Round-Up, 2-4-D and are probably all made from GMO crops!

 If,   for ONE MONTH, they ate real food, no fast food and used a sweetener such as stevia for their tea, they all would lose weight, probably without exercising. Their calorie intake as it is right now must be thousands of calories a day.  Of course, they’d have to be willing to TRY new food such as eggs, fruits, breads, grains, beans, salads and consume far less meat and processed food

Is it too much to make a simple breakfast between the three of them in the morning?  How difficult would it be, with all of them participating every evening, to make a home-cooked meal?  Is it so impossible to cook something beforehand, freeze it and have it on a night when they might be in a hurry to be elsewhere?

I still say it:  required reading in schools should be “Fast Food Nation”  by Eric Schlosser and Morton Spurlock’s “Don’t Eat This Book-The Supersizing of America”.  Required movies should be “Fresh, The Movie” and “Food, Inc”


The current generation of children are the first who may not outlive their parents. 

The girls in the previous story, ‘Sad Food Choices’, might not make it to the 40s or 50s without a serious medical crisis:  a stroke, heart attack or cancer.  Millions like them are walking time bombs with undiagnosed hardening of the arteries, cancer, high blood pressure, potential strokes, heart attacks, cancer and diabetes.  These diseases were totally UNHEARD OF in previous generations of children!  Now it has become routine for kids to be put on diabetes medicine or be treated for high blood pressure before they reach the age of 20!  Medical evidence has documented that eating habits in the formative years determine health over a lifetime.

This generation of kids is on a frightening path.  Their parents either have been too busy to cook or have been led to believe by advertising that microwaved meals, with names like “Healthy Choice” or “Smart Ones”, are nutritious. At home they are less likely to eat a ‘real’ meal instead consuming a nuked plastic tray of ‘fake food’. Commercials show families enjoying Stouffer’s Lasagna or Kentucky Fried Chicken at a “family sit-down dinner.”    The “Lean” in the “Cuisine” may be reduced calories but at what cost?   This is artificially flavored processed food with little food value.  Soda, something that NOBODY should drink, is sold in schools and consumed by the millions of cans every day.  It’s shocking to see parents in a restaurant pouring soda into a Sippy cup of a toddler!  (Believe it!)  It is any wonder why kids’ teeth are rotting out from the acid and they’re developing acid reflux?

If you drink soda —->  Jump to article on SODA

When the kids go to school, the lunch they get won’t be much better.  Schools are cutting costs and opting not to serve real food but processed junk instead! Fellow blogger Ed Bruske (The Slow Cook) wrote about his daughter’s lunch program under “You Call THIS Food?”  I, too, was dumbfounded!  These meals, IF you can call them that, give kids more addicting chemicals,  are high in salt, fat and artificial ingredients. Research has proven that this stuff actually adds to difficulty in concentration and in attentiveness and hyperactivity, and parents and teachers wonder why some kids are so hard to control!

For the past 50 or so years our human race has been bombarded with a chemical onslaught from the outside and inside. The outer environmental factors are: the rise in the use of pesticides by farmers, pollution (air and water) increased use of chemicals around the home, school, businesses in an attempt to eradicate bugs.  Chemicals and compounds in our clothing, personal care items, cookware (Teflon, Silverstone etc) take out containers for food, furnishings and everything we come in contact with on a daily basis. Add to this: the modern diet consisting of processed food, laden with artificial chemicals.

Processed food has been touted as the time saver and since the advent of the microwave just about everything can be nuked.  Food actually undergoes a molecular change in a microwave.  We cook our food in plastic and one of the MOST horrific things ever invented … s-t-y-r-o-f-o-a-m.  Little attention is paid to it, however and most folks don’t know how dangerous it is.

So, in addition to teaching kids that it’s OK not to be able to cook a meal, we’re telling them it’s OK to eat fast food all the time. We’re not only poisoning them WITH the food but containers and packaging as well. 

Unless parents get back to basics and schools help in teaching about food and SERVE good food, an entire generation of children is already predisposed to a life far less healthy than ever known before.

Parents:  Read up on the food you are allowing your kids to eat.  If you eat fast food on a frequent basis, cut way down.  Make it a treat instead of a way of life.  You will be saving your kids lives – literally.


Imagine This: Corporate Patriotism, Government Involvement = A Better U.S.A.


Imagine the gov’t listening to us!

Can you take a minute to dream with me?  Imagine this: Corporate America actually creating jobs here in the United States.  Imagine this, too: The U.S. government actually listening to the people of America instead of the whims of corporate America. Those two things could transform this country in ways we’ve never seen!

What would happen if some of these mega-corporations decided to say, “Let’s help out our nation and put people back to work.  We’ll take some of our profits and invest in America. We want people to have pride in our country again and we want the citizens to see that we really are a good American company! After all, we have the resources to make great changes all across America.” 

Suppose the United States government actually did its job and worked FOR the American people:  listening, protecting, advocating for the citizens of this land.  Isn’t that what the plethora of government agencies are for:  the FDA, USDA and the EPA? What about the Bill of Rights and the Constitution? Weren’t these entities established to protect the people from governmental abuse? 

Ralph Nader recently proposed what he termed “Corporate Patriotism” in an article written in Reader Supported News.  Excellent ideas and something that could turn this country around.

Instead of greed, why not compassion toward the millions of us without full-time jobs?  We don’t want handouts:  welfare, food stamps, unemployment insurance – we want decent jobs!  We want to work, to feel useful, not used or forgotten or unworthy. Bring those jobs back home from China, India, Pakistan, Thailand and see what could happen to this economy! We want to work at real work, not at service jobs paying just over the minimum wage with no benefits.

In lieu of the news that the Supreme Court decided not to take another look at Citizens United, which is a shameful misnomer.  There is nothing “united” for “citizens” in this.  It’s all about favoritism and opportunity for corporate America.  If anything, it’s corporations uniting against America:  using their vast monetary resources to buy and influence government to do their bidding.  It should be declared illegal. The Supreme Court has its head up its ass!    

The United States government continues to ignore the American people.  Polls show that 93% want labeling on GMO ingredients in food. GMOs are benned in many countries and any GMO food must be labeled in about 50 places worldwide.  Alas, here in the United States – where GMO ingredients are in about 90% of our food,  the government backs down again and again.  Why?  The all-fearsome Monsanto!  It is so powerful that nobody wants to take it on.  Why?  Because nobody has had enough balls to bring them down.  Why?  Our justice system, the USDA, the FDA and the EPA have wimped out time after time:  there’s no teeth in the laws to hold these companies accountable.  Money, influence, threats of lawsuits cause even our own GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES to tuck their tails between their legs, whimper and run the other way.  How can this be that companies like Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, DuPont and others have so much power, so much influence that our own government is afraid of them?  Where are the LAWS to protect the citizens of this country?  Sen. Bernie Sanders (below) puts forth a reasonable argument which, alas, was not adopted in the Food Bill of 2012.

WE THE PEOPLE built this nation.  It was on the backs of our ancestors that this country was founded. Our fathers, grandfathers, great and great-great grandfathers toiled to build the cities of this nation.  Brave enough to go into the unknown, they ventured across this vast continent to the opposite sea.  Their dream was to have a home, land and be free of oppression.

Today we see that dream has failed. Our government — and I might add, NOT just this present administration  — has morphed into a puppet of corporate America.  No longer do WE THE PEOPLE have any say.  Oh yes, we can vote – but it means nothing because elected officials are not working for the American people but the corporations.

What would happen if our elected officials were paid according to what they did for their constituents?  No automatic salary, perks, benefits.  If they could stop bickering like little children and realize that IT IS THEIR JOB to work for the American people, not against them!

Imagine this:  America becoming great again.  People honestly being proud to be  Americans.  A compassionate, human government that works for the people and with the people of this nation.  Companies that are made by law to tow the line, invest IN America and proudly say, “Look what we’ve done.” 

……. what a dream and it could come true…..if…..


Bayer Advanced Insect Killer Plays on Consumer’s Fear of Germs

Bayer's GERM KILLER Insect spray preys on consumer's fanatical fear of germs! Absolutely IDIOTIC!

I love to show the public how ridiculously stupid they are.

I was in Lowe’s yesterday.  I happened to notice a display of Bayer insect spray that made me (involuntarily!)  shout…, “WHAT?”  It wasn’t the Bayer name that got me; it was the fact that I saw GERM KILLER on the same label with the words “insect”.  Incredibly, the label says…


Kills insects and reduces 99% of the germs* that they may leave behind

  • Provides up to 12 months of indoor insect protection1
  • Kills ants and roaches in seconds
  • Controls 60+ pests
  • Can be used as an outdoor barrier treatment
  • Not for residential sale in CA

*Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacter aerogenes on hard, non-porous, non-food contact surfaces. No residual sanitizer action. Not for primary use as a sanitizer.

1 For German Cockroaches, Black Carpenter Ants and House Crickets on non-porous surfaces.


Please – give me a break!

I can see it now.  Consumers grabbing up bottles of this insecticide just because it says GERM KILLER…, and this is just what Bayer wants;  to play on the public’s ridiculous obsession with germs.  Some won’t read the label or figure it’s safe to spray this near food preparation areas or where infants, toddlers and children may come in contact with it.  They may even use it in places where their pets are, endangering them, too.

The public has gotten a real case of the “dumbs.”  This germaphobic thing of late is so out of hand.  Companies are cashing in on the words “antibacterial” and “antibiotic” and germ killer like there’s no tomorrow. 

According to scientists and the medical profession, we’re got a very dangerous situation resulting from the incessant demands of consumers to be germ-free.   Over-the-counter antibiotic products are contributing to drug resistance for MRSA, a highly dangerous and easily spread staph infection.

Now, Bayer and probably other insecticide manufacturers will spread more fear of germs.  Consumers will only SEE the words:  GERM KILLER and reach for this gallon of poison to protect their family from     g….e….r….m….s !    

Yep – this is another product that  the dumb public will just have to have in their never-ending war to be germ-free!

Further Reading: