Food Truth Freedom

Your food, where it comes from & what's in it

Do We Need 37 Different Versions of Oreo’s?

Yesterday I straightened shelves. In retail, it’s called many names, front-face, zone,  or recovery. In other words, make things look nice and move product from the back of the shelf so customers can get to it easily.

Now this being a “regular” grocery store, not a healthy one like where I used to work, I am utterly amazed at the amount of crap foisted upon the American people.  Utter garbage, loaded with artificial ingredients with unpronounceable names, preservatives,  and glow-in-the-dark colors.

‘Course this isn’t news to me. I’ve been writing and researching about food for almost 20 years now.

A case in point is the selection of a cookie named “Oreos.”
How about “Cheerios?” These are two standards of the grocery industry, they’ve been around for decades.

Remember when there was only one kind of Oreos and Cheerios?

I counted no less than 37 different versions of Oreos on our shelves. Some were different sizes of the same thing but the overall dizzying array of selections: Oreos, Double Stuf’d, Mega Stuf’d, Golden, DS Golden, Birthday Cake, Mint, Peanut butter, Chocolate, Red Velvet, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Carrot Cake, and Lemon. Then there were variations of “Thins” – think skinny Oreos- Classic, Golden, Mint, Chocolate. This wouldn’t have been enough so they had to make “Thins Bites.” Then “Thins Chocolate Covered.”

The kicker was “Oreo Cookie Crumbles.” They take the broken ones from production and bag them up for you to buy.


If you want Oreos on your ice cream or in/on anything else – why not just smash them up yourself?

Oh, wait – I forgot! It’s Corporate Greed 101. Sell anything to make money.

God forbid we should inconvenience the customer!  It’s too much trouble for them to smash up Oreos by hand or whiz them up in a food processor for a few seconds, isn’t it?

Don’t even get me started on the Cheerios. There are 19 different selections listed on the Cheerios site: We had 18 various ones & sizes in our store ranging from Regular, Blueberry, Frosted….. well, check out the link to the Cheerios page.  It’s ridiculous.

I waded through Triscuits: We had about 15 sizes/varieties or so on our shelves. There were 37 different kinds listed on the Triscuit website, including “minis,” “thin crisps.”

Let’s not go there on Pop-Tarts, either!

Avoid Fresh Express Salads

For the umpteenth time, Fresh Express Salads have been recalled. This time it’s for cyclospora.  The salads were sold at ALDI, Giant Eagle, Hy-Vee, Jewel-Osco, ShopRite and Walmart.  Click here for the latest info from the FDA.

All the affected products were produced at the Fresh Express production facility in Streamwood, IL.

Fresh Express salad mix

There have been too many recalls for Fresh Express salad mixes for me.

Cyclospora cayetanensis, is a parasite that is transmitted through feces.

This isn’t the first time Fresh Express has been pulled from the shelves.  It’s been pulled in 2010 for listeria (3 times) and, in 2011 and 2012.  In April of 2017… this is really disgusting… parts of a bat were discovered in a salad mix.  2018 showed another recall for Fresh Express, this time for cyclospora again.  In December of 2019,  Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp chopped salad kits were recalled for E. coli.

There are probably more but I just don’t feel like digging through volumes of information.  They have a lousy track record in my book.  I avoid them at all costs.

Bottom line:  Way too many recalls.  This stuff is constantly getting recalled. Stay away from it.


Put Down The Strawberries: These Pesticide-laden Fruits & Veggies Top the Pesticide List For 2017

Topping the list of the most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables are strawberries, which can contain as many as 20 different pesticides. The Environmental Working Group released its annual “Dirty Dozen” list.

Another favorite, spinach, climbed the list from 8th last year to 2nd for 2017.  A disturbing fact is permethrin, a neurotoxin banned in Europe but still used here in the United States, was found on approximately 75% of tested samples. Permethrin was also found in higher levels in the urine of children more likely to have ADHD & can cause seizures as well as endocrine (hormonal) and neurological damage.   Additionally, permethrin is used here in the U.S. to control head lice and is embedded in mosquito and tick-repellent fabrics. It is commonly used on nut, fruit, vegetable, cotton, ornamental, mushroom, potato and cereal crops.

More bad news for spinach:  mandipropam, fluopicolide and ametoctradin, which are used to kill mold and mildew – were found in higher rates this year. In previous years their presence was not found on this and other produce.

New additions to the list were pears and potatoes which edged out cherry tomatoes and cukes.

In contrast, the Environmental Working Group’s “Clean 15” is as follows:  corn, avocados, pineapples, cabbage, onions, (frozen) sweet peas, papayas,  asparagus, mangoes, eggplant, honeydew melon, kiwi, cantaloupe, cauliflower and grapefruit.

It is important to note that even at low levels, pesticides have a cumulative effect.  Children absorb them at a rate ten times that of adults.  Because their systems are still developing, it is wise to limit their exposure. Important READ —>  If You Use Pesticides, READ THIS!

Best bet?  BUY ORGANIC when you can!

Pesticide Use Linked To Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & ALS

Pesticide use has been linked with increased rates of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS.

Pesticide use has been linked to increased rates of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.

Pesticides are neurotoxins (neu·ro·tox·in: a poison that acts on the nervous system) which overstimulate brain cells, causing miscommunication between them and eventually, cell death. This is how pesticides kill insects: the creature’s brain and nervous system becomes so scrambled it shuts down and the insect dies.

Definitive links exist between pesticide use and the rise of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease as well as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – ALS – or known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Pesticides are classified as those used to control insects, weeds and fungi and are known as insecticides, herbicides or fumigants.

Organophosphates are commonly used on food, in household pesticide and insecticides as well as lawn and garden chemicals. Organophosphates  have been shown to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and ALS.

You might know some of these pesticides by their brand names:  Sevin Dust, Malathion (used in mosquito control)  Round-Up (glyphosate) and Diazinon.

Elevated serum levels of pesticides in humans, along with a rise in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, point to a link in neurological damage in those consistently exposed.

Though most Alzheimer’s research has focused on genetic factors, scientists have found that only half the cases are linked to heredity.  The other half increasingly points to use of pesticides in past decades.  DDT, banned over 40 years ago, remains in the body and has been found in about 75-80% of the population.  In Alzheimer’s patients the levels of DDE, (DDT when broken down) were 4.18 times higher.

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurological disorder.  Nerve cells in the brain regulating dopamine – which controls movement – are damaged to the point where they cannot produce the chemical.  Less than 1% of Parkinson’s cases can be attributed to genetics and researchers are finding a solid link to exposure to pesticides.  Scientists in the UK in studies ranging from 1983-2005, found a substantial link to pesticide and herbicide exposure in Parkinson’s patients.

  • Research conducted in the U.S. found that those consistently exposed to low levels of pesticides and herbicides were twice likely to develop Parkinson’s.
  • A Harvard study found that long-term pesticide exposure, even at low levels, shows a 70% increase in the disease over those who had limited contact.
  • Gardeners who routinely use pesticides such as Sevin Dust,  are 50% more likely to develop Parkinson’s than those who grow organic gardens.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, affecting motor control and is always fatal.  Over time patients lose motor control and in later stages, may become totally paralyzed.

Pesticides cause oxidative stress which in turn can lead to an array of health issues:  Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, cancer, chronic fatigue, heart and blood vessel disorders, atherosclerosis, heart failure, heart attack and inflammatory diseases.

With mounting evidence against pesticides, isn’t it time you think twice before using them?

There are no “safe” pesticides.

Read More:

Food Truth Freedom:  If You Use Pesticides, READ THIS!

Beyond Pesticides:  Pesticide Induced Diseases. Pesticide Exposure, Parkinson’s &  Neurodegenerative Diseases

Common Medications Impair Brain Function & May Contribute To Alzheimer’s

Many OTC or prescribed medications may contribute to decreased brain function or Alzheimer's in older adults.

Many OTC or prescribed medications may contribute to decreased brain function or Alzheimer’s in older adults.

You might be taking some of the following medications for hay fever and allergies: Claritin, Zyrtec, Benadryl or Dimetapp.

Perhaps you’re on antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs: Zanax, Abilify, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Valium, Paxil or Seroquel.

Heartburn or GERD?  You might be taking:  Zantac, Tagamet or Librax.

Can’t sleep?  Unisom or any  over-the-counter antihistamines or sleep medications containing Diphenhydramine.

These and many other common medications used in treatment for high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, blood thinners and ulcers could contribute to a shrinking brain and possibly Alzheimer’s.

A recent study by the Indiana University School of Medicine, and published in JAMA Neurology, found that these medications inhibit an important brain chemical, acetylcholine, which is crucial to transmission in electrical impulses between cells.  PET scans were used to monitor brain metabolism of acetylcholine. MRIs measured brain shrinkage.  Nearly half of all Alzheimer’s patients receive medications which worsen their symptoms.

Acetylcholine also acts within the central nervous system which controls motivation, arousal and attention.  It has been shown that deterioration of pathways related to synthesis of acetylcholine could be a contributor to Alzheimer’s.

Anticholinergic drug users also showed lower levels of glucose metabolism — a biomarker for brain activity — in both the overall brain and in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory and which has been identified as affected early by Alzheimer’s disease.

When these drugs are taken or prescribed for those over the age of 50 and the elderly, increased episodes of confusion have been observed.  The more damaging drugs,  called anticholinergics, when taken continuously for 60 days or more, revealed higher instances of dementia and brain shrinkage.

CLICK HERE for the list of ratings of common medications.

An EASIER TO READ CHART is available in this article.

Eating Yogurt? Dannon’s Activia: A Total RIPOFF

Dannon's claim to have a "special" yogurt culture is nothing more than their patented name for "bifidus," something found in ALL yogurts.

Dannon’s claim to have a “special” yogurt culture is nothing more than their patented name for “bifidus,” something found in ALL yogurts.

I’ve been eating yogurt all my life and one yogurt I will never eat is Dannon’s Activia.  It’s far too expensive and it’s a rip-off.

Dannon touts their “bifidus regularis” as being unique.

It’s not.

It’s just a variation, bifidobacterium lactis DN-173010 which belongs to the common bacteria found in other yogurts bifidobacterium animalis – all of them much less expensive than Activia.  What Dannon has done is to patent the name, “Bifidus regularis” to make it seem like something really special.

It’s not.

Other patented names Dannon uses are:  Bifidus Actiregularis, Bifidus Regularis, Bifidus Digestivum, Bifidobacterium Lactis and its variants,  are marketing names Dannon for one of the specific bacteria it uses in its “Activia” range of yogurt products sold throughout the world.

I prefer to call their name, “Bifidus Bullshitus.”

Dannon was sued – and lost – for falsely claiming that Activia and Dan-Active yogurt drinks could be “clinically proven to help strengthen your body’s defenses.”   Their insistence that their yogurt products contained something magical, “L. casei Immunitas,” another name made up by Dannon, is actually Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 – and found in all yogurt.

So in other words, you’re really getting ripped off when you pay a lot of money for those little green containers versus a larger one of something like Stonyfield Farm – which BTW, is organic.

No artificial ingredients in this yogurt. READ LABELS!

No artificial ingredients in this yogurt.


The basic cultures used to make yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Additional probiotics are often added. Common ones are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, and Bifidus.

READ LABELS! Many of Yoplait's brands have artificial ingredients and unnecessary ingredients.

READ LABELS! Many of Yoplait’s brands have artificial ingredients and unnecessary ingredients.

Many yogurts contain artificial ingredients. Yoplait is one of them. Read “What’s Under The Lid” from the Yoplait site. They admit to using these additives such as artificial sweeteners: “Some of our products contain artificial sweeteners. Sweeteners let us deliver an amazing taste without adding calories.”

Like Dannon, they also color their yogurt with something called “carmine,” an FDA legally allowed ingredient sometimes indicated on the label as “crimson lake,” “cochineal,” or “carminic acid.”

Dannon's Activia contains "carmine," and only says "active cultures," not "live cultures" which are more beneficial.

Dannon’s Activia contains “carmine,” and only says “active cultures,” not “live cultures” which are more beneficial.

It’s actually the skin of an insect called  cochineal beetles, used in cosmetics and other applications, and is in other foods for colors of red, pink and purple. It can also cause hives, itching, asthmatic reactions or, in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

READ LABELS! Those with “live & active cultures” are far more beneficial than products made with “active cultures,” which may have been heat-treated after fermentation which will kill beneficial bacteria. Make sure you buy yogurts containing “acidolphilus” and “bifidobacteria” that can withstand stomach acid and get to the colon alive – thus giving more benefit.

Thus the old adage proves true:  “less is more.”  Read labels, become informed and you’ll find all that hype is just that.  Don’t fall for Dannon’s “Bifidus Bullshitus.”


FDA “GRAS” (Generally Regarded As Safe)  List

Center For Science In The Public Interest:  “Berries Over Bugs.”

FDA Approves GMO Salmon

The FDA just approved genetically modified salmon for human consumption.

The FDA just approved genetically modified salmon for human consumption.

GMO salmon was just approved  for human consumption by the FDA as reported by the Center For Food Safety.  This is yet another breach of trust of the American people that the FDA has to offer.

As  I previously reported  on this site 2 years ago, “FDA Says Frankenfish No Different,”  the FDA has obviously ignored the millions of American people, over 40 members of Congress, as well as environmental, large sections of the fishing industry, animal rights activists and restaurant industry and food companies alike.

This is yet another travesty linking the FDA’s total lack of common sense and concern for the American people as well as the environment.

It has become very clear in the past few years that the FDA, along with other agencies designed to protect the people of this country like the EPA and USDA — have been bought and influenced by “Big Food,” Big Ag,” and the chemical and biotech industries.

This has got to stop!

Speaking on behalf of the Center For Food Safety, Executive Director Andrew Kimball said:

“The review process by FDA was inadequate, failed to fully examine the likely impacts of the salmon’s introduction, and lacked a comprehensive analysis. This decision sets a dangerous precedent, lowering the standards of safety in this country. CFS will hold FDA to their obligations to the American people.”

Continuing on,

“FDA has not acted in good faith with the American people. Rather than informing the public, FDA’s announcement appears to be intended to minimize public awareness.”

This is the latest in a string of approvals for federal agencies which will ultimately harm the environment and continue poisoning us.  In February, the EPA approved Dow Chemical’s “Enlist” herbicide:  a combination of glyphosate (Round-Up) and 2-4-D (Atrazine) to combat the weed-resistance CAUSED BY ROUND-UP!

I wrote extensively about this in 2012; the effects on human health of 2-4-D, which is a component of “Agent Orange.”

GMO salmon is just another step in the bastardizing and takeover of our food.

Where will it end?

Roundup Is More Toxic Than You Think


You’ve got weeds.  You hate them because they wreck your picture-perfect lawn.  What do you do? You run to Home Depot or Lowe’s and pick up a container of Roundup.  Easy! Round Up will take care of your weeds.  You probably don’t give a second thought to it!

You should!

Roundup (glyphosate) is one of the top-selling lawn and agricultural chemicals in the world.  The United States uses 25% of  Round Up.

You’re probably eating a lot of Roundup, too.  The typical American diet consists of processed foods. 80% of the corn, soy and sugar beets, which are commonplace in a Western diet, are genetically modified. The plants themselves are made resistant to the effects of Roundup. It is a systemic herbicide meaning the plant absorbs it into all its cells. Because the plant has genetically modified organisms, (GMO) – repeated applications of Roundup will not kill it as it will non-GMO plants.

Contrary to what Monsanto will tell you, Round-Up is known to kill embryos, (miscarriages) placental and umbilical cord cells and cause low birth weight.  It is an endocrine (hormone) disruptor.  (read CANCER here!) It is shown to increase instances of cancer like non-Hodgkin lymphoma, breast and myeloma – bone cancer.

The inert chemicals in it – which are NOT harmless, by the way – intensify its toxicity. One specific inert ingredient, polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, was found to be more deadly to embryonic cells than the glyphosate alone!  This inert chemical is intended to let the Round-Up penetrate the plant’s exterior cells.

Roundup is designed to disrupt cells in a plant. It also does this in the human body.  Many studies have confirmed that Roundup causes disruption in benefits of beneficial gut bacteria and destroys the “good” gut bacteria which has been found to  correlate to the immune system and digestive system functioning.  Autoimmune disease, heart disease, autism, Alzheimer’s and leaky gut syndrome are other maladies caused by cell disruption.  The depletion of critical nutrients, which in turn protect us from an array of diseases like cancer and heart disease, is another indication of the effects of Roundup.

A study in Argentina in an area of  prolonged Round-up usage has found a high incidence of birth defects and cancers.  This is also the disturbing trend here in the United States in the Midwest where a lot of the (GMO) crops like corn and soy corn are grown.

Additionally, there has been a strong link to amphibian mutations as a result of contaminated groundwater.  Runoff from yards and fields where Roundup has been sprayed has led to a rise in birth defects in frogs.  There is a large amount of evidence that Roundup is also responsible for decline in the North American tadpole species.  It is also suspected that Roundup is responsible for decimating the Monarch butterfly population.

Monsanto has continuously derided all claims of its toxicity, despite numerous studies to the contrary.

For an in-depth look into the dangers of Roundup and GMO crops, watch this video by Jeffrey Smith.  It’s long but worth the watch!



Monsanto Roundup: Impacts of Glyphosate Herbicide On Human Health – Pathways To Modern Diseases (by Anthony Samsell and Stephanie Sennef)

Monsanto Punishes Naysayers

The Insidious Damage Of Alcohol

I quit drinking – cold turkey – 30 years ago this year.  It was the vacant stare of my mother’s eyes that did it.  She was completely incapacitated following a number of strokes – could not speak or move;  trapped in her body.

I think that alcohol had something to do with it. She had been a heavy drinker for many years.

boozeShortly after she died, a friend mentioned to me that drinking alcohol was a major factor in hardening of the arteries of the brain.  All I could see was my mother’s distant stare; remember her making the three grunting noises that I later realized she was trying to say: “I love you.”

That statement made by my friend affected me so.  I didn’t want to end up like my mother – and it set me on the path to realization that I had a problem with alcohol.

I read somewhere that alcohol is not something that the human body cannot effectively metabolize.  It’s literally poison to us.  Still, because of societal pressure, we force ourselves to become accustomed to it. Any of us who have ever had a drink can probably remember when we first tried it – how sick it made us. That was our body trying to tell us not to drink it.

Alcohol permeates  all the cells in your body when you drink. Following are some of its effects:

CANCER~  Alcohol increases the chance of developing cancer of the breast, liver, pancreas, esophagus,  mouth, larynx and pharynx.  A study involving 1.5 million middle-aged women during 7 years found that drinkers are more likely to develop cancer of the colon, rectum, breast, liver, throat and esophagus.  It also concluded that with each drink, no matter how little or what kind of alcohol, the risk for cancer was substantially raised.  (Although men were not a part of this study, is it assumed that the risks would be about the same.)  In addition, the breakdown of alcohol causes the production of acetylaldehyde, which damages the genetic material in the cells and prevents them from repairing themselves. Acetylaldehyde also can allow the cells to grow at an increased rate; hence the connection to cancer.

LIVER~  Fatty liver, the earliest stage of alcoholic liver disease, causes the body to be ineffective in ridding itself of toxins. In its attempt to deal with the alcohol, the liver produces even more toxins, thus causing further damage.  Fibrosis, scarring of tissue in the liver, is the precursor of cirrhosis.  Cirrhosis of the liver means that it is unable to remove toxins, fight infections and absorb nutrients.  As liver function weakens, jaundice, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and even liver cancer are probable.

HEART~  Drinking is very hard on the heart.  It causes increased chances of developing cardiomyopathy, the stretching of the heart muscle which leads to decreased functioning. Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) as well as heart attack, elevated cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure) and stroke are other risks.  Heavy alcohol consumption also increases the production of stress hormones which causes blood vessels to constrict.

BONES~  Alcohol’s diuretic actions flush calcium from the bones which increases risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

PANCREAS~  Pancreatitis  is a serious inflammation of the pancreas and swelling of its blood vessels wherein the pancreas can no longer properly aid digestion.

BRAIN~  Alcohol shrinks and disrupts brain tissue; may inhibit new cell growth.  It can cause depression, agitation, memory loss and behavioral changes.

IMMUNE SYSTEM~  Consuming alcohol weakens the immune system, making an easier pathway for disease. (also see “cancer” above)


Beyond Hangovers:  Alcohol’s Effect On Your Health

Alcohol Dependence

Sevin Dust Search Terms

I have to laugh at a lot of the search terms that come through for Sevin Dust. These are search terms that people have used to access my site & learn about Sevin Dust.  Some of them are valid; others are just downright stupid. My thoughts follow in italicized print.

One of the most widely used chemicals in U.S. gardens.

One of the most widely used chemicals in U.S. gardens.

is it ok to put seven dust in the water that you water your plants with? (Inside or outside plants? Why would you want to use a poison around your yard or – God forbid – IN your home on houseplants!)

can i use sevin dust on my dog? (No, Sevin Dust is poison & you can’t use it on your pets!)

Using sevin dust on pot (Are you kidding me? You’re going to smoke pot with Sevin Dust ON it? Sevin dust WILL cause lung damage – “Black Lung disease” – but never mind – you are going to absorb the Sevin through your lungs and into your bloodstream! You’re either pretty stupid,  pretty stoned or BOTH!)

does using seven dust make garden non organic? (Duh…, Sevin Dust is not an organic product and it’s poison – of COURSE your garden won’t be organic!)

is sevin dust safe for vegetables? (NO!  You’re going to EAT these vegetables? Why put poison on them?)

will seven granules hurt the birds if eaten? (Yes, “seven” is toxic to birds.  They mistake the granules for birdseed.)

can a person die from sevin dust? (You might not drop dead from eating it right away but it has a cumulative effect on your body can manifest itself in a variety of ways: neurological damage, increased chances of developing Parkinson’s disease, lung damage from breathing dust and increased chances of developing cancer. If pregnant – you might predispose your unborn child to a myriad of birth defects.  We are talking some serious long-term effects here.) 

7 dust around my plants not on them (Uh, your plants will absorb the Sevin Dust from the soil and if these are vegetable plants, you’ll still be eating Sevin Dust!)

where can i buy sevin in us? (Certainly NOT in the grocery store, brilliance! Why do you want to buy it anyway?)

is 7 dust safe for kids?  (No, children absorb pesticides at a higher rate than adults do.  Their bodies are still developing – why would you want to subject your children to a substance like Sevin Dust, thus predisposing them to an array of complications.)

is it natural for worms to rise after putting seven dust and it rained? (The worms are rising to the surface because of the rain and yes, you are going to kill the worms in your garden – even the birds who eat these worms – if you use Sevin.)

is sevens powder harmful to humans? (Yes it is. Why use something that, in an accident in 1984, killed 3,000 immediately following an explosion in a plant that manufactured it.  Sevin Dust IS poison.)

can you use sevin on vegetables? (Again, Sevin Dust is a toxic compound. Why would you want to put it on your food?)

what to do if you get sevin dust on skin (It says RIGHT ON THE PACKAGE not to get it on your skin.  How safe can something be if it’s dangerous to come in contact with?)

has sevin dust caused cancer in animals? (Yes it has caused cancer and reproductive illnesses in lab animals.  Vets have reported increased incidences in cancer in pets whose owners use Sevin and other lawn and yard chemicals.)